
Why running?

As a former competitive runner, this is often a question I would get asked a lot. I don’t know if I have ever explained it correctly, but runners know. They don’t have to say it, they feel it. There is this intangible feeling, a spark if you will.

MOMENTUM is my capstone project that will detail through pictures and real stories the feeling that running brings to us. It will feature stories from athletes like Evan Jager and give insight into the different ‘whys’ all runners have.

My roles in the production of this book include:

Producer, author, photographer, photo editor, journalist, copy editor, graphic designer, and layout artist.

One long run

Momentum is a project that took me months to complete. I traveled thousands of miles and took almost double the number of pictures. I interviewed several people, spammed coaches and meet coordinators with emails, and wrote my longest Word document ever.

It was a long, tedious, stressful, late-night-ridden run. But it was a good one.

The bridge of two lives

I used to run. I was good at it. Good enough to run Division I. But running to me wasn’t all about the accomplishments. It was about why I did it—my purpose. When running was no longer possible it was hard for me to see my purpose. I felt that the running part of my life was over.

This project was the act of me bridging my running life with my professional life. My running life and professional life are intertwined in this project. You’ll even get to read my running story. The purpose of creating Momentum was to prove to myself that running and my purpose will always be a part of me.


See for yourself

Read about the different whys, look through stunning photos, and even read my story.
